Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Yesterday was not so good. I didn't sleep well Monday night -- stayed out too late working in the yard -- ate supper late, etc., etc., etc. So, all day Tuesday, I felt like I HAD Myasthenia Gravis. Yeah, I know -- you are all saying that I DO have MG -- but, this summer, I have felt pretty good -- like the "beast" was FAR, FAR AWAY.

In 2005, right before I was diagnosed, we went to Disneyworld. Mom rented a huge house for 10 days (great deal -- MUCH cheaper than hotel rooms) -- 5 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, a pool -- so, each child, spouse, and grandchild had a bed and privacy. I got PLENTY of quality sleep on that trip -- but, in the middle of our stay, caught a cold. I had been walking a couple of miles a day -- suddenly, walking even 50 ft wore me out. This is how I felt yesterday. SOOOOOOOOOOOOO, having LEARNED my lessons (LOL), I came INSIDE and took a NAP!!!

My point?? MGers NEED quality sleep!!! I sleep UNTIL my body says that it has had enough!!! NO alarm clocks EXCEPT on Sundays (church). I make doctor appointments in the afternoons so that I don't have to worry about waking up early.

I had a good night's sleep LAST night -- so, hand-mowing and weed-eating are on the schedule for today!

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